January 22, 2011

Treat Blog: Dear Daddy

Dear Daddy Above,

Just want to say that if my past was:

Jackie Chan

I would kick his rump instead of letting him rule my life.

A Child

I would spank his butt and tell him to behave.

An Old Man

I would kick his cane and tell him to stop walking beside me. :D

A King

I would dethrone him and turn him from the ruler to the ruled. :D:D

A Chicken

I would make chicken sandwich out of it and eat it, instead of letting it eat me. :D:D

Jerry the Mouse

I would sic Tom the Cat on it...

If it were Tom the Cat, I would buy a pitbull and sic him on it. :D

A Fish

I would pluck it out of the water and give it a new home on land.

By tomorrow I would be rid of my past when it stop breathing. :D

Tweety Bird

I would feed it to Garfield. :D:D

A Country

I would ask the United States to nuke it and blow it to kingdom come.

A Guy Preacher

I would twist his ear when we get to heaven.

A Girl Preacher

I will throw toilet paper around her mansion when we get to heaven and decorate it with eggs. :D:D

An Inmate

I will give him a sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Then I would throw away the key. :D :D

Goliath the Giant

I would transform into David and take him down, cut off his head and let Your people know that You, the Most High, rule in the kingdom of our memory while the past DOES NOT. :D:D:D

Thanks Daddy, for encouraging us to move beyond the past and toward the future.

Toward the day when Jesus comes back for His Church.

Toward the day when all our present foolishness will be the past...

All our present sufferings will be history.

When the past will be like the people and things mentioned above...

Beaten and harassed, DEFEATED and CONQUERED. :D:D

I love You, Daddy!

January 10, 2011

God's Clean Heart

In the Kingdom of God's heart there has been a cleansing. A cleansing of your confessed mistakes...

A cleansing of your confessed failures.

In the Kingdom of His heart, your imperfected mistakes and shortcomings have been erased...



It is gone, that you may start over. It's gone, so you can travel toward your destiny.

What's gone is gone.

It is not here.

Not here in your today. Not here in your present.

It's not here in your life. It's not there in the Father's heart.

What's not there can't bug you. What doesn't exist can't hurt you.

It's gone.

Don't call it back. Don't mention it.

Don't let it hinder your progress in life.

We are all travelers. We travel either toward the past or the future.

Travel toward the future.

That is where God wants you.

That is where He will meet you.
That's where He will bless you.

It's where the pieces of end-time visions will be unfolded.

"There" is the place where your dream comes true.

Not in the failures of your past. But in the destination of your future.

Destination Future.

There...it's the place we should travel to. It the place where God wants you to be.

The past is gone. It's gone from the Father's heart.

It should be gone from our lives.

Learn from the past, but don't let it live. Put it to death in your present. Put it to death in your future.

Let the past be gone.

The Blood has cleansed it. It has washed away the failures. It has washed away our shortcomings out of God's heart.

God's heart is cleansed, and so should ours be.

The power of the Blood has overtaken the power of our past.

It's has overtaken the power of our failures.

That's why Jesus came. To make useless the harmful effects of our past.

That is why Jesus died. To demolish the power of our shortcomings.

To make our past inactive...



Our past is nothing if we let it be.

Our heart can be void of the past. It can be cleanse of the past.

This is the Father's heart.

The heart that's empty of your shortcomings. That's empty of your life's mistakes.

This should also be our heart for the New Year.

Empty of past mistakes. Empty of condemnations.

Empty of guilts.


We are a NEW creation, living in a NEW year, with a NEW beginning.

HAPPY 2011--the Year of Miracles.

"Believe in the Lord your God, and you shall be established; Believe in His prophets, and you shall prosper." 2 Chronicles 20:20

January 1, 2011

The Father's Heart in New Year

The secret of the Father's heart is to possess the end from the beginning.

In the Father's heart, the end supercedes the beginning.

Where there's a problem, there's the end of the problem and a new start of the solution.

In the heart of God, the solution of the end conquers the beginning of the problem.

Where there's the arena of problems, there's the arena of solutions.

With the beginning of man's problem through Adam, the solution of Jesus crushing the serpent was birthed...

The solution of man's restoration was given.

The crown of mankind was restored. Authority was restored.

Dominion was restored.

In every story--in every drama of our lives--there can be a good ending.

In every chapters of our lives, where there's a problem, the Father has birthed a solution.

With the fall of Adam, mankind became the dominated.

At the beginning, the problem was there. At the beginning, the Solution was ALSO there.

The end was there with the beginning.

Because of Jesus, where man was once the dominated, they are now the dominators.

Where they were once the ruled, they are now the rulers.

They are now the mighty warriors of earth.

This is the heart of the Father.


To ordain the end to rule over the beginning. To ordain the future to govern the past.

In His heart, the end has dominated the beginning. In His heart, the solution has subdued the past.


Jesus--the Alpha and the Omega. The Beginning mixed with the end--

The Gift of the Father that contributes to our new beginning.

Where there was Jesus, there was the New Covenant.

Where there was Jesus, THERE WAS A NEW BEGINNING.

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL WHO READ THIS! May you have a great one this year.

Remember guys, we are born to live in the present. We are not born to live in the past. =]]