April 1, 2011

Jesus--the Father's Best to Mankind

"With love God gave His best--His only begotten Son. When you activate love during the time you activate giving, your giving can be quite a beautiful thing."

God moves with love more than He moves with wrath. He moves stronger in love than He does in wrath.

With love, He bypassed wrath and gave us His Son.

With love our Father yearns for the return of His lost family--the lost of prodigal sons.

The lost of prodigal daughters.


A Son who never sinned was given to bring back the sons who have sinned....

To bring back the daughters who lived in sin.

A Son who never lifted His hand against a woman, a child or even a bug...

Was given to draw back the sons who kill, murder and slay...

Was given to bring back the daughters who commit murder in their hearts and slay with their mouths.


The Son who's forever perfect was given up for the sons and daughters who are not.

God so loved the world that He gave His best.

He has given His best for you.

He has given His best for your loved ones.

God has given His best to your grandpa who lived hundreds of year ago.

To the grandma who lived over 2000 years ago.

When Jesus was on the cross bleeding, your grandparents of many generations were living...

Your grandparents of many generations were on His heart.

Jesus died for them that day.

That day, Jesus died for your lineage.

God has given His best for your lineage.

Some wouldn't give of their sons for those who sinned against them.

But God gave us His Son.

Some would be scare to give their sons to a people who are evil...

A people who would disrespect their sons,

Who would beat them...

Slap them.

But God wasn't scared.

With love He gave mankind His Son.

With love He drove out fear and gave us His best.

God has given us His best. What will we give Him in return?


He has given our past lineage His best. Will we give our services to Him?

He has given us today His best. Will we live for Him?

He *has* given our future children His best. We will give them to God?

God has given His Son to save people. Will we give our "sons" to save mankind?

The present world is coming to an end.

What you compromise to keep you will lose.*

Some will give their best. Some will give according to what they are willing.

Some will give according to what they got.

This is the Father's heart. To give the world His best when the world needs it most.

Now is a time when people are desperately in need of your anointings, your gifts, your heart.

Yes, people are in need of your heart.

The heart that is anointed with God's love...

The heart that is anointed with the Holy Ghost...

Give a part of it to the world.

You shall reap what you sow.

The more we give of our heart, the more God's love will expand in our hearts.

The more we give, the more the Holy Ghost will possess our hearts.

God has given us His Best. What have we given?

*A prophetic word from God through brother Copeland.

March 21, 2011

Treat Blog: God SO Loved the World

If there has ever been a daddy who so loved the world, it is You, Daddy God.

In a world where there are tremendous difference and people of all kind, You, Daddy are the only One who love them faithfully.

No one is as faithful in love as You.

Man are loving to their neighbor when time are good. They show love when things go well.

But, Daddy, we are not alway faithful in loving them.

Sometimes we get impatient and waver our love. Sometimes our love get lukewarm.

Sometimes it even gets cold.

Your love for mankind, Daddy, never gets warm or cold.

It is always hot.

Always strong.

Always at its maximum level.

You are faithful in love.

Sometimes we may love the world. But we don't always so love them.

You are forever faithful to love mankind on a high level.

You love them even when they offend You.

We are not alway like that. Sometimes we show less faithfulness in loving those who offend us.

You and Jesus, Daddy, are the only Ones who faithfully SO loves the world.

You are doing it now. You have done it then. You are still doing it so.

You have SO loved the world. You are still SO loving the world. And in the days to come, You will still SO love them.

Your love is eternally on the level of "SO".

I am thankful that You love the world and not half the world.

You love all and leave none out.

You even love those I love.

You love my spouse...

My family...

Even my friends.

Not like many parents, You love those whom I have accepted even when they don't meet Your standard.

You don't think of anyone as not "good enough" for Your children.

Instead You love them, care about them, and give them a chance to be a part of our lives.

Not all our friends are bad. And though they may not be saved, they are still good friends.

They may not be saved, Daddy, but You still ACCEPT them and CHERISH them.

This is the Daddy I know. The Daddy I love. The Daddy I am blessed to have.

I am thankful for You.


God's Giving Heart

The Giving Heart of the Father

In a world where God commands the rich to give and share of their wealth...

Where He commands others to give as they are able...

God is in the midst of them giving...

He is in the midst of mankind giving in abundance because He is able.

Scripture said to give according what a person have.

God is able to give on a larger scale than man because God have plenty.

God is always ready to share of His wealth, always ready to distribute.

God is a cheerful giver. He doesn't give with a frown on His face. He doesn't give unwillingly.

God is a willing giver...

Always willing to give in time of disasters...

Always ready to give in time of needs.

Where there's disaster, there's the giving Heart of our Father.

In the midst of crisis, the heart of our Father is being displayed around the world.

It is being displayed through people world wide....

Through their giving. Through their love. Through their compassion.

This is the heart of our Father. To give and share. To watch and be ready to distribute to those in need.

To those who are not able to give, we can give our time. We can give our prayers and help pray for souls.

We can pray for their spiritual needs while our other brethren help with their physical needs.

God's heart is with Japan. His giving heart is with them.

What about ours? Where is our heart?